Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Flying Cheap: A Frontline Investigation

Flying Cheap is a PBS Frontline production that analyzes the events leading up to one of the worst plane crashes in recent aviation history -- Continental 3407. Originally, I had thought I'd be watching a film about how to find low airfares, but what I learned instead was worth so much more. The show talked about how the airline industry hires out what are essentially contractors to fly many of its regional flights. These contractors are smaller airlines that will fly under a major carrier's name.

In the case of Continental Airlines, its contract carrier is Colgan Air. Colgan Air was the company flying under the Continental name before the Continental 3407 airplane crash. Because of contracts the two air carriers sign, Continental is under no liability should a plane crash or malfunction. That means that all responsiblity for the safety of an airplane's passengers rests with Colgan Air. This is not such a huge problem except for the fact that the safety standards for regional airlines (the contractors) are not the same as those for the major airlines. So, even when you book a flight for an airline like Continental, you may not actually be signing up as you expect for Continental's safety standards, experienced pilots, and mechanics. The only way to tell is to read to the fine print, which most people rarely do.

But let's say you do want to be proactive about investigating whether you are on a major carrier aircraft or a contractor aircraft. Here's what you do: When you purchase a ticket, ask the agent (if you are calling) or check the ticket (if you are buying online) to see if another carrier will be responsible for the flight. It's that simple. The airlines will not go out of their way to tell you when you're flying with someone else, so as a consumer, it is really up to you to do your own due diligence. It's a matter of safety for you if nothing else.

Flying Cheap is currently available on Netflix. You may also watch it on the PBS Frontline website at or buy the DVD for $24.99.

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